Multi SkillZ® StudentZ - unique platform for practice-oriented learning

Multi SkillZ in curriculum of University
Higher learning efficiency & more quality in exercise education & formation in sports. Online module training videos & unique exercise material.

A strong solution for your institute
A formula based on your needs:
- Access for x-number of students & teachers
- 1 year or multi-annual plan
- Basic Root & Sport SkillZ= selection of relevant training & exercise videos
- Selection or extension possible: TotZ, Gym, Foot, Hockey, Basket, Tennis,...
- Training of teachers
- Student and/or Institute pays login at student rate
What is it?
The Multi SkillZ StudentZ learning platform consists of a E-learning module about guiding psycho-motor development of 4-12y & a video database of unique Multi SkillZ exercise material with more than 300 variants & progressions:
- General motor skills (Root SkillZ): TotZ & DrillZ
- Motor skills oriented towards sports (Sport SkillZ): Foot, Tennis, Hockey, Basket, Gym, Swim
Your students will be guided in the unique approach applied in the Belgian Football, Belgian Hockey, British & Swedish Tennis, Flemish Basketball & Flemish Gymnastics.
The method is based on expertise from different sports domains and scientific insights. For this purpose Multi SkillZ cooperates with leading partners.
Working method:
Contact us for more info and price proposals (choice of number of students/teachers, number of years of access, with or without teacher training and expansion options with additional SkillZ programs).
You will receive unique access codes per number of students/teachers of the chosen membership formula, after payment of the annual fee. The training institute can also choose to have the access codes sent to the students by Multi SkillZ . The students can easily log on to the platform with their code via
The duration of the access codes is set to 1, 2, 3 or 4 years (depending on choosing the Extra option 'Multi-years access' and the number of training years in which Multi SkillZ is offered to the students). The access of the student licenses is automatically closed after the duration.