Webinaire à la demande

Webinar on demand

webinar multi skillz tennis

Grow skillers into tennis


In this webinar you will learn which skills are crucial in developing youth players. You get a clear picture of what you should pay attention to and how you can set this up in training practice.

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webinar Root SkillZ

Vorm 360° skillers in sport


NL: Maak kennis met verschillende inzichten van Multi SkillZ. De veelzijdige en specifieke ontwikkeling van skills in het vormen van 360° sporters. Kom meer te weten over de visie en opbouw van de oefenstof & krijg van praktische tips om Multi SkillZ te integreren in je trainingen.

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EN: In this webinar you learn different insights from Multi SkillZ. The versatile and specific development of skills in growing 360° skillers. Find out more about the vision and structure of the exercise material & get practical tips to integrate Multi SkillZ into your training sessions.

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webinaire root skillz

Methodology Root SkillZ


En savoir plus sur la méthodologie Multi SkillZ pour le développement psychomoteur: vision et approche Multi SkillZ, développement polyvalent à long terme et âges sensibles à l'entraînement (que faire à quel âge)

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